Course Overview

Transforming an organisation is one of the primary challenges of leaders and managers. During this period, leaders, managers and specialists spend a lot of time getting the solution right, only to encounter resistance from those affected as a combination of the tangible impacts of change need to be considered together with the personal impact on those affected.

Project Teams also find themselves involved in implementing change when leading projects.   Many projects are created for that very reason – to bring about change!  Project teams spend a lot of time getting the solution right to, only to encounter resistance from those affected that has no relationship to whether or not the change is appropriate.

This course is designed to equip participants with the change management skills required in order to positively affect the working lives of their teams so that performance doesn’t dip and that change is met with a strong, forward-thinking attitude.


Participants will learn how to lead the organisation at times of change, having tools to use to over-come challenges and help others accept the change.


Leading Successful Change

The Eight Steps To Transforming An Organisation

  • Creating a sense of urgency
  • Forming a guiding coalition
  • Creating a vision
  • Communicating the vision
  • Empowering others
  • Creating short-terms win
  • Consolidating change
  • Institutionalising new approaches

Avoiding the errors and pitfalls associated with change

The process of emotional transformations – The Change Curve

Leading the Transition

Mind Mapping and Change

  • Identifying the problems
  • Leading Analysis with Mind Mapping
  • Leading Implementation with Mind Mapping
  • Identifying Resistance Factors with Mind Mapping

Leading the Transition

Taking Advantage of Resistance to Change

Planning for the 6 Layers of Resistance

Helping to identify the implementation process

  • The 4-Step approach
  • Pareto Principle
  • Fishbone Analysis
  • Process Mapping
Have a question?

Let’s get this conversation started. Tell us a bit about your requirements and we’ll be in touch.

What you need to bring for these courses when delivered as a virtual classroom.

For virtual classroom courses, you will need:

  • Computer with Internet Access
  • Microphone and Headset
  • Webcam
  • Microsoft Teams
  • A dual monitor setup is recommended for IT training
Upcoming Courses
Get in touch via our contact form or call us on 01473 414 414